This site below will take you to the "Albums" which have alphabet folders. Your picture will be filed by the first letter of your last name. Click on that folder to open it, (eg. all 'A' last names in the 'A' folder). By clicking on the photo, you can see their name(s) and the year the picture was taken, by scrolling down under the picture (right hand side). Also I put in their site number, (if still in the park). If I know the people are not here anymore, I put 'left the park' in place of site number. If a resident is deceased, and I know it, I will put that in. I don't know about some of the people, so I didn't comment on them. If you know, please either post under comments or let me know so I can update. Also you can add any comments or info. to your picture below under comments. Because this is a free site, you will see advertisements pop up between pictures periodically. Just click past ads.
If you are not on file, please send me your picture for posting with your name(s) and year taken. Some of the photos were taken a long time ago (per year posted). If you would like your picture updated, please send me a current one.
This is a great way to connect either a face to a name or a name to a face. I hope to get most everyone's picture in the park on the website. Hope I can make this happen. I welcome any comments, Enjoy!
PS: There is also a "Photostream" page on Flickr, where all the pictures (approx. 400 now) are together at random. If you hold your pointer over those photos, then their name will appear at bottom of picture. I think you will find the "Album" page easier to find pictures filed by last name.